
Ground Turkey my new alternate comfort food

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My true comfort food is pasta. Any shape, variety, and sauce. I love pasta. I can eat pasta by the pound. It is truly my go to food that I eat when I am happy, sad, depressed, any time or any mood that I am in pasta always makes me feel good. But since the calorie count is so high and I am trying hard to keep my weight at bay, I needed to find an alternate comfort food. My  alternate favorite is either my turkey meatballs or any of my skillet turkey dishes. I know that at least when I get my munchies, that at least I am grabbing something healthy. I also know that I can eat more of ground turkey dishes than I  can of pasta. Do not get me wrong I still eat pasta. Most of the time I eat pasta out and take the leftovers home. I just find that when I make pasta at home, I make too much and I wind up eating more at home. I also add vegetables to my turkey dishes, that stretches the turkey and when I eat more I know that I am eating healthy. I also control the salt of my meals. I much rather eat my own food at home, especially when I am watching my weight. Eating this way my cholesterol level went from 211 to 188. I am back in the normal range again which made me very happy. My weight right now is 2 pounds from goal.  I posted my ground turkey and spinach skillet dish from the other day in the turkey recipe page on the website.Stay safe my fans and Bon Appetit.