Happy Hannukah
I love zucchini. It is versatile. I use zucchini in so many ways. I love to make with it whole tomato as a delicious side dish. I love to make it with cous cous. It works wonderfully sauted with similar vegetables. I love to use my spaghetti zucchini and make very healthy spaghetti boloegnese. I like to slice it and use it in a frittata. Zucchini in its raw state is fiberous and bland. Once you add it to salads, and other foods it is delicious. It is very low calorie and one of my favorite vegetables. Last night I grated my zucchini and added it to my whole wheat and vegetable cous cous. It added a wonderful sweetness as it cooked down. I also made zucchini with tomato again and everyone loved it. i I plan on making it for my daughter. My sister and niece came over with potato pancakes (latkes). I had no applesauce in the house so I made homemade applesauce. it came out delicious. Even I was impressed. It is so easy. I just peeled cored and diced my two small apples. I put them in a pot with water,cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice, and brown sugar and let it boil. I added a small splash of apple brandy. I mashed the apple and we had delicious homemade applesauce. It is so easy and so fresh. Stay safe my fans and Bon Appetit.