Ronzoni vs Barilla Elbow Macaroni Nutrition Information
I decided to make pasta to serve pasta with my Chicken Chili Mac. I asked my daughter which type of pasta she would like to have. I suggested a short pasta and gave her a few choices. She suggested elbow macaroni. I noticed had a half box of Barilla elbow macaroni that I could finish up. I also had a full box of Ronzoni elbow macaroni too. As I was reading the nutrition facts on each box, I noticed that the nutrition facts on both boxes were exactly the same except for the amount of calories. Barilla had 200 calories per serving , while Ronzoni had 210 calories per serving. I also decided to read down the rest of the box. The Barilla elbow macaroni had 5% more folic acid and 5% more riboflavin, then the Ronzoni macaroni. The rest of the nutrition information was the same. I wondered if that is true that riboflavin and folic acid can decrease the calories. I am going to be looking at all the nutrition labels before I purchase my pastas from now on. Syay safe my fans and Bon Appetit.