Traveling Food
Last night after my sister and I returned from visiting my aunt in the hospital, instead of dining out went to my house for a healthy leftover dinner. We munched down on my bolognese with zucchini/linguine. We also had my turkey chili with zucchini cous cous.Since my niece is studying nutrition and loves healthy food, I sent her my kale sausage and white bean soup. I also sent her my chili and zucchini spaghetti that she make make anyway she pleases. I was pleasantly surprised by a phone call last night, when my niece called to tell me that she really enjoyed my soup. My niece and I both love to eat healthy, but sometimes we differ on foods that are considered more healthy than others. My niece is very much into whole grain foods. I like certain whole grain foods, for example bagels, and whole wheat bread. However I do not like whole wheat rolls or pasta. Those foods to me loses something in the texture and flavor. I also do not like whole wheat pasta. I tried and have cooked whole wheat cous cous. I really did not enjoy the whole wheat cous cous. I did not like the texture or the flavor of the cous cous. The regular cous cous has a different flavor and texture. The regular cous cous stands up better than the whole wheat cous cous. The whole wheat cous cous turns mushy when mixed with other ingredients. I will still try whole wheat products in deifferent types of recipes. Stay safe my fans and Bon Appetit.