
Food, Recipes, Diet and Thyroid

By : | Comments Off on Food, Recipes, Diet and Thyroid | On : November 17, 2014 | Category : Uncategorized

When I started this website it was meant to be just food, weight control diets and recipes. Now I added thyroid.    It is also because that thyroid (hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism) is weight related. I know this because I am living it. It seems that when my thyroid is out of remission my weight goes up and up. It is disconcerting to think of trying new recipes when you are not hungry and your scale is going up in number. It is also hard to cook for one especially when you do not have the energy to cook. I have found that when my numbers are out of range even by a scant amount, I gain weight. When my blood levels are within the normal range, my weight is fine and stable. When I was younger and my thyroid first came to light, I was overactive. I wound up with graves disease and instead of losing weight like all normal hyperthyroid patients, I gained 40 pounds. It was such a joke, and as I cried, I had to laugh. Now my blood levels are low and I  have an under active thyroid, also known as hypothyroidism. I feel fatigued. I want to do more cooking and recipe testing. I feel much better when all of my blood levels are normal. I am on thyroid medication for my t3 levels and my t4 levels. So now we adjust the medication according to the blood work and hope for the best. It is now well over a year and a half, and we cannot get my blood levels back to normal. Hopefully that will happen soon. Stay tuned for more thyroid reports. Stay safe my fans and Bon Appetit.