
It matters what you eat

By : | Comments Off on It matters what you eat | On : August 15, 2013 | Category : Uncategorized

Between my daughter and Hurricane Sandy, the events over the last seven months have taken a toll on my body. After I gained the 14.5 pounds, I must be in remission for the weight is coming off. I know this because with careful eating,and the thyroid medication, I feel better. Although I did eat badly on Tuesday night and I indeed payed for it. I had a spinach pinwheel from Mario’s. Although it was very good, the cheese did a number on my GI system. I will not do that again. Last night was chicken and salad. I woke up feeling better and the scale was once again my friend. I do not think I need to take a blood test because I feel I am in remission, but I will do so to make sure. The drawback to all of this is that I might be on thyroid medication for the rest of my life. Let me not pull the cart before the horse. Stay safe my fans and Bon Appetit.