
105° in the shade

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It has been hot as blazes in NY. It has been over 90° for the past week. Yesterday my dad called me and asked him to make him lunch. On his order was a tunafish  sandwich. I looked in my pantry and I found a can of tuna. I also had in my fridge mayonnaise, onion and tomato. I normally do not buy rolls, but I had bought some for my daughter’s lunch. I prepared the tuna. I minced an onion and added about a tablespoon of mayo. I cut my cherry tomatoes in half and I prepared him a sandwich. It was the most cooking I did in days. Since I am eating low fat these days, I tried a spoonful of the leftover tuna, and it was really tasty. The tuna was dark meat tuna packed in water. I think the dark meat tuna has more flavor.  we have two more days of this heat wave. Stay safe my fans and Bon Appetit.