
Berry, berry, salty berry

By : | Comments Off on Berry, berry, salty berry | On : May 15, 2013 | Category : Uncategorized

Since the berries with balsamic was such a hit, I decided to repeat the dessert. This time I added a pinch of salt too many and ruined the dessert. Adding a pinch of salt to sweet foods does bring out the flavor of the dish. However if you by mistake add two pinches, you can make that sweet dessert salty. A good lesson learned. Be careful when you add salt to a dessert. If the recipe calls for an 1/8 tsp. just add that.  Changing that amount can really affect your dish. A pinch to me is a sprinkling of salt. it is extremely hard to measure a pinch of salt or to explain what a pinch of salt actually measures out to be.  In actual measurements I would judge it to be about 1/16 tsp. of salt. Since I have yet to come across a tsp. that small, it would be equivalent to 1/4th of a 1/4tsp. of salt. Since it is such a small amount just a few flakes in between your two fingers should equal out a pinch of salt.  You might be able to get away with a bigger pinch of salt in savory cooking but you still need to be careful not to over salt. Always check for seasoning and flavor. Stay safe my fans and Bon Appetit.