We saved the oatmeal !!! At least for a little while
It was 10 in the morning and I did not sleep the night before. When you don’t sleep your 10am becomes equivalent to noon. Coffee, no food and no sleep, means lots and lots of stomach acid. I opted to try the oatmeal downstairs once again. Well I purchased a small bowl, added sweetener, raisins and cinnamon. I took it up to my daughters room and gave it a taste. Again absolutely no flavor. What it needed was salt. I hunted down the pantry and I found a packet of salt. I cracked it open and I added a pinch of salt. I mean a very small pinch of salt. What a difference! The oatmeal had some flavor after all. Now I get it, I finally understand why bakers need to add salt to baked goods. Salt really brings out the flavor in foods. It brings out the flavor in savory and sweet foods. I do not bake often, but I do salt my foods. I feel some foods actually need more salt than others. My rule of thumb foods that always need salt are eggs, potatoes, tomatoes, and hot cereal. The taste of the oatmeal was better, however it was so thin. The consistency was very thin. I do not like oatmeal that does not have a thick consistency. On that front, the help needs to come from the kitchen.
posted by JHizzle n da Dizzle on March 3, 2013
Lol. Good job. Hospital food is nasty, and it’s good to see that someone was able to “save the oatmeal!” Keep it up.
posted by bonappetitmom.com on March 3, 2013
Lol Thank you. Yes a little salt did help the oatmeal