
Grilled and Chilled

By : | Comments Off on Grilled and Chilled | On : January 21, 2013 | Category : Uncategorized

Last night I made dinner.  I barbequed steaks. I made sweet potatoes and roasted veggies. Tonight it was leftover lunch. My child is back at school. It is so quiet. I miss my child. I know she is in a good place. I miss cooking for her. I really miss her.  I love being her mom. It is harder to cook for one than it is to cook for a group. A group being more than one. Since I already wrote sometimes you feel like a blog, sometimes you don’t…, I can’t do that again. Tomorrow I had plans, but that was changed. I think I will clean the house and try a recipe or two. I really need to stay busy. I will finish typing up the rest of my recipes. Anyway that is all for now. Stay safe my fans and Bon Appetit.