
Thanksgiving Shmanksgiving

By : | Comments Off on Thanksgiving Shmanksgiving | On : November 25, 2012 | Category : Uncategorized

I knew I was in  for a real treat. Thanksgiving is such a wonderful time of the year. I love all of the wonderful food. Sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and most importantly…turkey! Yes I will eat them all. Every year for thanksgiving I go to my sister’s house to celebrate the holiday with family and friends. This year I will be cooking plenty of the food and will be posting these new recipes soon. I know I am going to eat so much food and going to get a stomach ache, oh well. I can’t wait to eat all of the food. I can almost smell the juicy flavor of the tender turkey. Just the thought of it makes my mouth water. Oh well. Drafted by my niece R.