
What should I do with my unused Halloween candy?

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I have 3musketeer bars and kitkat bars left from Halloween.  To be honest with you because of  Hurricane Sandy I never got to buy candy for the trick or treaters, but I did by my candy at 75% off at CVS after Halloween.  My child taught me that secret.  Anyway what to do with the candy. I made yummy kitkat brownies.  I took the kitkat bars and I added them to my favorite brownie recipe.  They came out so delicious. They are now everyone’s favorite brownie.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.  It always was, from the time I was a little girl. I remember watching my grandmother cook, and then doing it on my own. I loved my grandmother’s stuffing. I have eaten alot of different stuffing’s but the best stuffing I ever ate to this day was my grandmothers stuffing. Although I really do like my stuffing too.  My grandmother used stale white bread.  I remember when she left it out to dry in her kitchen overnight.  I must admit that I do use packaged stuffing that is dry and cubed. It makes sense economically.  I do saute my veggies and use the same veggies my grandmother used. I also use stock, my grandmother used water. I also add white wine. I think it gives it depth of flavor.  I will post these recipes soon. To all of my followers Happy Thanksgiving and Bon Appetit.