
Staying Strong

By : | Comments Off on Staying Strong | On : October 24, 2012 | Category : Uncategorized

In life you need to know when to step up and when to step back. Sometimes you can bite off more than you can chew. So what is important is to know where your limits are and go from there. It is better to be a big fish in a small pond rather than get swallowed up like a guppy in the vast ocean. You need to know who you are and be comfortable with that knowledge.

With that being said, I hope to strife for greatness and success in what I think is my comfort zone. I know what I want to achieve, I want to bring good nutrition to those I care about in a forum that I can be comfortable in.

The world of nutrition has changed since the 1970’s. The world of food has changed, but it was always changing. I grew up as the guinea pig of sweet and low, tab and fresca generation. Now there is green tea, lattes,  frapaccinos, and truvia. I grew up on Wonder Bread (white bread), now it is whole wheat and no wheat (gluten free). We have high fiber and flaxseeds. Wait we now have chia seeds (it’s new).

Were there peanut and wheat allergies back in the day? Undiagnosed, maybe? I think that they existed but nobody knew what they were. Maybe it is due to environmental issues. All the new technology. Maybe cell phones are the reason for obesity? We really never ever have to leave our houses or for that matter our couches.  I can be home and order out three meals a day, pay for them, tip the guy and never even say hello to them at the door.  In more ways now we are isolationists then we were back in the day.

What foods are good for you? What foods are bad for you? What is the next best thing?  Who knows. Good nutrition is still good nutrition. Eating well is eating right. I am not the food police, nor do I pretend to be. I think I am experienced and knowledgeable to know what good eating is(at least to me). I believe in common sense. I believe healthy eating is finding the balance. I hope that my approach is seen that way.